Whole school
Editable fortune teller origami net
Orgami net
Learning environment vocabulary mat
Vocabulary mat.
Great to be laminated and on display in the learning environment for adults and children to refer to
Widget core subject skills mat
Maths, literacy and science skills identification ma
Meet and greet door poster.
Poster perfect for the classroom door ready for morning meet and greet.
Size is A4 but can be adapted to A3
Brain break activities
Brain break activities if children are needing to release energy or swap places
Classroom rules
Visual classroom rules display following the 3 headings
How we show respec
How we show we are ready to learn
And how we stay safe.
Meet and great poster
Wall display for morning introductions
Birthday display
Cupcake birthday display, ideal for children to colour in then write in marker the months and finally attach children’s names as ‘candle’
Lining up quietly song
Perfect for KS1 when lining up to move around the school.